
Ubuntu Linux Is Coming To Windows 10

Microsoft Partners With Canonical- Ubuntu Linux Is Coming To Windows 10

According to a new report from ZDNet, Microsoft is likely to announce a partnership between Canonical and Microsoft that would aim to bring Ubuntu on Windows 10.

At the moment, details are not revealed regarding this arrangement. It’s expected that Ubuntu will run on top of a foundation of native Windows libraries. It should be noted that Microsoft quietly introduced Linux subsystem in a new Windows 10 Redstone build.

This functionality won’t be limited to running Bash shell on Windows 10. With this development, users will be able to run Ubuntu simultaneously with Windows operating system. This will be making Ubuntu an integrated part of Windows 10, not just some virtual machine.

This combination of Windows 10 and Ubuntu will be aimed at developers. Linux fans shouldn’t expect Ubuntu to come along with its Unity interface. Instead, it’ll rely on Bash and CLI tools like make, gawk, and grep. Having said that, Microsoft’s target audience are developers, not desktop users.

According to source Since last summer, Microsoft and Canonical have been working together on many projects, including the work to bring containers to Windows 10 using LXD. They have also partnered to help developers write programs for Ubuntu on the Azure cloud.

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